general terms and conditionsof sale

General presentation

De Ferla Immobilier is a limited liability company (SARL) with a capital of €10,000 - 537 538 969 RCS NANTERRE, having its registered office at 220 avenue du maine 75014 PARIS - Intra-community VAT number: FR 67 537 538 969. CPI 7501 2016 000 014 818
Director of publication: Dan Adler, manager
Contact: DE FERLA - 53 rue Daguerre 75014 PARIS

Cookies and personal data

1.1 Uses of cookies

Users of this site are informed that, when accessing this site, information may be temporarily stored in memory or on their hard disk in order to facilitate navigation on the site. Users of this site acknowledge that they have been informed of this practice and authorise DE FERLA IMMOBILIER to use it. They may also oppose the recording of cookies by using the corresponding functions on their browser.

1.2 Consumer Ombudsman

De Ferla's consumer mediator is the Centre de Médiation et Règlement Amiable des Huissiers de Justice (Médicys, website whose registered office is located at 73 Boulevard de Clichy, 75009 Paris.

1.3 Information about the host

GENESITES SARL, 111 rue du Chevaleret 75013 PARIS, SIREN 477 659 106 RCS PARIS TEL : 06 25 68 72 99

The personal data collected by De Ferla is subject to automated processing for the purpose of property management and negotiations, customer management and prospecting operations.
The communication of your electronic data implies your consent to receive, by electronic means, commercial offers from De Ferla.
However, you may object to the use of your data for commercial canvassing purposes at no cost (apart from the cost of transmitting the objection) and without justification.
In accordance with the amended Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, rectify and object, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of your personal data, which you may exercise by contacting the person responsible for processing, De Ferla, 220 avenue du Maine - 75014 Paris. This information is necessary for the processing of your request and the management of our commercial relations.